The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works. It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself. In addition to that, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet. In 1998, by the United States Senate passed and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of on-line services for copyright infringement by their users.
If you believe that content available by means of the Website (as defined in our Terms of Service) infringes one or more of your copyrights, please notify us by providing a written notice (“Infringement Notice”) containing the information described below to the designated agent listed below. If we take action in response to an Infringement Notice, we will make a good faith attempt to contact the party that made such content available by means of the most recent email address, and or contact number we have on file, if any, provided by such party to Websites & More.
Your Infringement Notice may be forwarded to the party that made the content available or if they do not respond we may choose to suspend the hosting account or remove the infringing content. This will be decided on a case by case basis.
Please be advised that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights. Thus, if you are not sure content located on or linked-to by the Website infringes your copyright, you should consider first contacting an attorney.
Jennifer Holley, President
W&M Holdings, Inc.
Websites & More
PO Box 313
Shaftsbury, VT 05262
Phone: (802) 447-8320
You must include the following:
If an Infringement Notice is valid, we are required by law to respond to it by disabling access to the allegedly infringing content. If you are a Websites & More client and access to or portions of your website have been disabled for this reason, we will notify you. You then have the option to send us a written counter-notice (a Counter-Notice) stating why your content does not infringe copyrights and asking for access to be reinstated. Counter-Notices need to be sent to our designated agent set forth above and must include the following: